Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wednesday and Thursday

Hey friends,
The last two days have been pretty rough on me.  I'm not sure why but I've felt kinda nauseous and not really hungry at all.  Plus, I'm keeping a small but annoying headache.  I've been trying to eat but nothing really tastes good.  I'm thinking my body is just cleansing and hopefully after tomorrow I will start feeling better.  I made a taco salad tonight.  It had black beans, olives, corn, homemade salsa, and tofu.  But I have to be honest and tell you I did not like the tofu.  Maybe I didn't cook it right-either way it was nasty! My favorite meal so far has been black beans and brown rice with a lil' salsa, yum!

As far as what God is teaching me... the last two days it was trust.  I had lunch appointments both days so it was tough not to cheat.  But I stuck to it and ordered what I could.  I felt like God was reminding me that if I chose to trust Him, I will be rewarded.  I do feel as if my mind is becoming clearer.  My quiet times seem much more meaningful in the morning.  And when I wake up in the morning the first thing I want to do is spend time with Him.  

I am praying for my team, I am praying for the kids in Cambodia... but more than anything I am praising God that He has put us all together to experience all this! 

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