Big thanks to Ann (Mike's mom)!! She made this sweet video that sums up our trip :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Please pray about supporting one of them...
Mien Sros M. 17ys. He is in grade 10.
Pan Borey M. 14ys. He is in grade 8.
Bo Vibol M. 14ys. He is in grade 7.
Soeung Panha M. 15ys. He is in grade 8.
Chom Pisey M. 14ys. He is in grade 9.
Mann Chhaiya M. 15ys. He is in grade 9.
Mien Veasna M. 14ys. He is in grade 7.
Roth Pros M. 12ys. He is in grade 7.
Chheng Vandam M. 14ys. He is in grade 8.
Pan Phillip F. 14 years old. she is in grade 9.
Chhorm Kea F. 16ys. She is in grade 11.
Sam Vanna F. 17ys. She is in grade 11.
Pen Sy F. 16 ys. She is in grade 7.
Pen Preuch F. 14ys. She is in grade 7.
All of these children are needing support to go to school. It's only $360 a year for one of them to go to college. I'm collecting support for them and plan to mail over some checks at the end of September. I am praying that God will provide the money for many of them to go to school. Please partner with me! If you are interesting in supporting a child, please let me know as soon as possible and I will give you the instructions. Thanks in advance! This is a big vision I have, but I'm trusting the Lord and praying BIG!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Priceless (by Ben Chase)
Emails: 994
Voicemails: 190
“Emergencies” (AKA: Rich people problems): 6
Wedding Planning: a bit.
Time spent re-telling stories of the trip to people in the office: 4 hours and counting.
I’ve got some on my plate that will keep me from communicating as much as I’d like during the next few days. Please understand my silence doesn’t mean I’m not thinking of you. Miss you all greatly. Raquel, I totally understand the breakdown. Yesterday morning I hit my local Starbucks and was unexpectedly on the verge of tears. And not the simple single dropping man tears that are ushered quietly from the corner of one eye, but the weeping tormented “what’s wrong with you?” tears. The trip solidifies that my heart is in foreign missions. Ideally, Angela and I can afford to make long-term commitments in the future. Right now we can’t. we’ll see. Post trip blogging sounds like a great idea and I started writing something yesterday morning, but I don’t understand all the emotions well enough yet to explain them to other people.
I had a nightmare yesterday, too. Short nap around 2pm after I’d taken my mother to lunch and shown her a couple photos of the trip. There were some tame images of S.21 in there—nothing dramatic. But the dream was powerful. I won’t describe the graphic violence I witnessed, but the strange bit was that the Cambodian dark skin and Khmer language had been replaced by Western actors and English words. It was definitely S.21, and it was definitely Caucasians. The dream sequence made the whole experience at S.21 more real to me. It was terrifying.
John & Julie, I’m sharing the same sentiments about happiness having met such a great team. Thanks again for your good leadership, and I look forward to doing more with everyone in the (near) future.
Love, BC
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Back Home and Adjusting
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Post Cambodia
Hey friends and family,
Well, i'm home safely! The trip was amazing. Its so hard to put it into words but I will try to give you a little bit of an update. First of all, if you would like to see pictures I have tried to sum up all my pictures into an album and you can view it here Also, if you want to see the detailed day by day account you can go here I will also continue updating the blog as I get updates from the Pastor there. And there is a team going in December so if you are interested you can continue to get updates. Ok here goes what I have to say...
20,000 miles of traveling, 74 hours of travel time, 13 hour time difference from home, 37 kids, 10 team members...with ONE mission...showing Jesus' love by personally loving these children. As I wrote in my journal, I left the US excited to see these children and just love on them. When I arrived in Cambodia, tired and jet lagged, my heart was FULL of compassion for this country. I have never seen such poverty in my life. We spent a lot of time traveling in a bus and for as long as you can see on dirt roads is rice fields and markets. There was children taking care of children. Everywhere we went children and adults we trying to sale whatever they can. "Lady, you buy-one dollar, please, you buy" is etched in my memory. But the second we pulled up to the orphanage and these precious little angels were jumping up and down excited to see us and as the door opened they are bowing at your feet saying "chumree-uhp soo-uh", my heart filled up with love. I had been praying God would allow me to see the children as He sees them and my prayers were answered. Our time was limited with the kids and I wish so bad I would have had more time. But the time we did have was precious. I just fell in love with the kids. It's amazing to me that I could make such a deep bond with kids that don't even speak my language. I felt God there and saw Jesus in their eyes. They were the most well behaved children I have ever met. Always satisfied, smiling, content, and loving. Seeing their faces as they played in the Ocean was so rewarding. The hardest point was leaving them. I can see their tear stained faces chasing after the bus as we left. It was so sad to leave them but I know they are right where they need to be. These children are the future of Cambodia. Less than 1% of Cambodia is Christian and it will take these warriors for God to change Cambodia. It can happen! The Pastor there at the orphanage says he has a 3 part mission- 1)take care of the kids (give them food, shelter, and love) 2)train them with some type of skill and teach them English and 3)lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus. He has the kids from the time they come into the orphanage until the time they graduate college and get a job. I'm so excited to support this ministry too. Especially since I have personally met the children. It only costs $360 a year to send one of the kids to college. If you are interested in sending a child to college, please let me know! I know you weren't there and it's much different for me, who was there, but I would love to help them as much as possible. Overall, the trip was a success and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me next. Thank you so much for all your support both financial, prayer, and encouragement. I definitely could not have done any of this without you! I have never been so uncomfortable in my life but I have also never learned so much and felt so close to the BIG God I serve. The trip was totally worth it and I will do another one as soon as I have an opportunity. I love you all very much! in Khmer, "Knyom sraw-line ne-uh nah"
With Christ's unfailing love-
Rachael Walkup
"O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them." Psalm 40:5
Monday, August 4, 2008
Home sweet home...
- Having Jesus in my heat, The whole spririt leading me, and God overseeing in case he needs to intervene
- running water
- toilets that flush
- clean bathrooms
- a shower separate from the toilet and sink
- HOT steaming water
- carpet
- Widespread Christianity here in the US
- My amazing husband (the way he takes care of me, leads me spiritually, and loves me more than anything in the world)
- My unfailing family who supports me no matter what
- The incredible Team A-seriously I would have been LOST without all you. We have become family and so I say bring it on family times! I love each and everyone of you dearly in a unique way
- Even though the economy us bad here at least we have an economy cause Cambodia doesn't have one
- Television in English
- English speaking American
- That was have a way of identification
- I was born here in the US
- That I wasn't an orphan, and that I grew up in a loving home
- I'm a Christian and I want to tell others abut Him
- Grocery stores that are inside and set up by sections and food here is refrigerated
- for the children of Cambodia who are diligently praying a big vision for Cambodia
- just plain American food!!!!! (hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, pork, and so much more!)
- Working job that love and get paid for
- Spending quiet evening in bed talking with mu husband
- My parents, inlaws, aunts, uncles, cousins, grothers, sisters, etc for their contract love and supprt
- Ice that I can eat :)
- Tide or anything good smelling detergent
- English speaking kids
- being about to communication/bond with who we could
- I'm grateful God sent me to be on this team because I thought I lost a piece of my heart a long time ago or it was dead. But God showed me that piece during the week...does anyone wanna guess???
(plus I better stop now, I took an Ambien(sleeping pill) and theres no telling what I wil type once it kicks in :)
***just so you readers know this blog will be up kept. I have already gotten an email from the paster and major that run the orphanage and we are deciding to do one or two month updates so we will be updated with whats going on :) -So be on the lookout!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
It's Friday morning and we are on the bus on the way to Siem Reap. We had a very emotional morning. Picture this: we arrive at the orphanage this morning and the kids have made two lines of kids and there are heart shaped notes and gifts hanging from the trees. As we walked through they are bowing to us saying thank you and we love you in Khmer/English. We are then lead to a covered area where we have seats in the front and all the kids are seated in front of us. One by one the stand up and speak to us in Khmer while the Pastor translates. They told us things like they are thankful they got to fellowship with us, they are glad they went to the beach, and they love us and will miss us very much. Several of the kids were crying as they were speaking to us. This one little girl stands up and tells us that she loves her mama and papa very much (isnt that sweet) then she says you all are my mama and papa. I mean talk about heart wrenching. And that was the point I started weeping and still haven't stopped. I'm even tearing as I type this. But I just wanted it to be detailed in my mind. I know I will never forget this experience.Those children are the future of Cambodia. They are precious in my eyes and in the eyes of Jesus and I know this morning made God smile. They all had made us hand written letters and gifts. I got baby pictures of them, hand made bracelets, and even a Khmer Bible. They gave us there prized possessions. And if you saw there rooms you would know that is giving us alot. Each of them live on a small cot with a box of all their belongings. So for them to give us pieces f things they own is just amazing. I had a sweet little boy that stayed next to me form the moment we got there. He was crying today when I was leaving and wouldn't let go of my hand. I knwo that image of him is always a precious memory I will have. I came here not knowing much about Cambodia and I am leaving with a lasting impressions on my heart from these kids and Cambodia will always hold a special place in my heart. I praise the Lord for putting me here and letting me experience all this. Please take a moment and pray for the children of New Life orphanage. The Pastor told me that they cry for days after we leave. So I pray that they will be comforted by the holy spirit and that they can laugh about all the good times we had instead of being sad that we are gone. As always-thanks for your prayers and for reading!
With a heavy heart-
We are now in Siem Reap. We went shopping at the market, had an hour full body massage, and are eating dinner at a cool restaurant. Tomorrow we are getting up at 4:00am to watch the sunset at Anchor Wat. And after that we start the long traveling home. Please pray for safe travels...we can't wait to see each and everyone of you!!! We have missed you very much. Thanks for all the comments, prayers, and thoughts yesterday. We definately needed them :)
Much love to you all!!!!