Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday and in Cambodia!!!!

(This is the team at lunch today)
Hey everyone,
We have made it to our hotel in Battanbang, Cambodia. It was a long day but an awesome day :) We met for breakfast at 9:00am and after breakfast left for a day full of bus riding. We first went to the Khmer Rouge memorial. It was a emotional experience there. Basically what happened here in Cambodia was very graphic and it will take generations to heal. The concentration camp was heartbreaking and even our guide (who wasn't even alive during the genocide) said it hurts his heart to be there. After we pull ourselves together we jumped on the bus, ran some errands, and had lunch at a Khmer/Thai restaurant. It was interesting-we had to take our shoes off when we got inside and eat on the floor. After lunch, we ran some more errands and then got on the bus for a 5 hour bus ride. It was hard to sleep for the bumpy roads and constant horn honking. On the bus ride, we had to stop for the bathroom. And let me tell you how interesting that was! It's a small room with a hole in the floor. You squat over the hole and after you go, you pick up water from a bucket next to the hole and pour it down the hole to wash your stuff down. Oh I forgot to mention that the little room smelled like old urine, great! The drive was long, but we are glad to be here in Battanbang. Once we arrived here, we had dinner with the man that runs the orphanage and his wife. And that brings us up to;s 9:45 pm here. So we are gonna met and prepare for our day tomorrow and then hit the bed! Below are prayer requests...

-Pray for the team to have more energy without getting as much sleep (we are a little jet lagged)
-Pray for us to be able to connect with the kids tomorrow (we met them after church tomorrow)
-Pray for the team to feel comfortable here (it's a stange place, far from home)
-Pray for the team to be safe in the hotel wea re staying and in other areas we go. (in the hotel are rooms are spread all over the hotel)
-Pray for the New Life Church and what it's doing here in Cambodia
-Pray for "Peter" (thats what we call him because his name is too hard to pronouce), he wants to to change Cambodia so that Christianity is widespread here (talk abotu praying for something BIG)

And I think thats it for now, thank you all so much for reading, praying, and being connected with us. We wouldnt be able to be here if it wasn't for you! Here are some shout outs from the team. I have listed them by name with what they say...

Angela- I love you mom and dad
Julie & John- Hi to our parents and friends, we are doing great and we love you! Turtle soup ROCKS!!
Craig & Heather- We wouldnt be here without your support. Continue to pray for our trip and the kids, love to ALL!
Jon & Molly- We're here safe, we miss everybody!
Rachael-Much love to all my prayer warriors, friends, and family. I love you all so much!

And last but not least, we have learned a little bit of the language! It's much easier to repeat after someone (Thanks Peter)

Lear heouy (means goodbye-pronouced lay air)

PS-I will add more pictures later (thanks to Griffin!!) I have taken TONS, I just have to size them down before I can put them on here :)


ann said...

Thanks so much for the update....
Prayers will be said for all of your requests and MORE!
We didn't see a 'shout' from we hope he is sleeping :-)
Love and prayers,
Ann & Mike Williams

Anonymous said...

i love you sissa!! aka rachael! and miss you too!! im praying for you everyday!!

ps: i just stuffed my face with spanish pork :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know that you and the team are doing well.. The Holy Spirit woke me up last night to pray for you. My heart is full of joy when I read your updates keep them coming. I love you very much..

Love you,
Mami xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh how I have loved reading this blog..It is Saturday evening and Daddy just got from from Nicaragua. I got home Thursday
night and have been without internet service. I am thinking of you and praying daily! Rach, you are right about God giving me the scripture you would need. He gave it to me a week before you left!! We serve a mighty God, indeed!! Miss you and love you!! blessings to all!!