Monday, July 28, 2008


Hey everyone,
First of all-thank you so much for your comments. We love to know that you are reading these updates and specifically praying for us. It means so much to us. I'm sorry if you can't see the pictures on facebook. I thought that would make it easier to see them, but I guess it's not working for everyone. Today we got up, ate breakfast, and heading to the orphanage. We all were feeling tired this morning. God again used my mom to encourage the group with some scripture. It was Isaiah 40:28-31. God will renew our strength if we put our hope in Him. When we pulled up tot he orphanage the kids were runnign out int he street-jumping up and down so excited to see us. God used that to renew all of our strength. Our hearts were filled with happiness to see the kids be so excited we were there. The curriculm crew (Heather, Angela, and Ben) taught the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors and the kids loved it! They were even able to retell the story in a drawing. After curriculm, the arts and crafts team (Me (Rachael), John, Julie, and Molly) helped the kids color on little bags. We asked them to write on the bad was they can trust God for. One of the kids wrote in Khmer that he can trust God with his future. How amazing is that? These orphans are so strong in their faith that they know to trust God with their future. After that, Rec team (Jon, Michael, and Craig) did trust falls with the kids. I was picked to demostate how to do the fall so that was crazy! Good thing I trust my team :) The kids loved this!! We even got the pastor and major to do the fall, haha! We had lunch and went right back to the orpanage for the afternoon session. Curriculm taught more about trusting God through your ups and downs. Arts and crafts made sipper cups and rec played with rocket ballons (which were a BIG hit!). And that brings us up to now, we are resting and then gonna have an early dinner. The hit the bed early becauase tomorrow starts early! I won't be able to blog again until Wednesday night. We leave at 5:30am tomorrow (Tuesday) and will drive to the beach. It's an 8 hour bus ride one way. Then we spend the night there and drive back here at 5:30am Wednesday.

Please pray for the following:
-A safe travel to the beach
-That the kids don't get car sick (last year they got really sick but this year we are giving all of them dramamine)
-For us to have strength (me (Rachael), Molly, and Angela are sick of the food so pray that God will provide all the energy we need form the little food we eat)
-For the Kingdom of Cambodia, today they anounced their new president
-For all the Isalmic and Buddist here to see the light of Jesus when they see us
-Praise for all the connections with the kids that have already been made and pray for more :)

Thank you for all the prayers, we can definately feel your prayers and need them. We love you all and I will update after the beach.

PS-We got a surprise this afternoon (letters from home) Thank you so much to those of you that wrote to us. They were just what we needed.

Missing you-


ann said...


It's amazing, that after your exhausting schedule, and not feeling well from the food, that you still take so much time to give us such beautiful detail of your day and how you are implementing all the plans you have worked on for many months.

Thank you from the top to the bottom of my heart!

These children have become an inspiration to me through your stories. God works in so many wondrous ways and is so BIG that it amazes me every day!

We will pray for all of your requests. I will pray hard for a safe bus trip, happy tummies for the children and a wonderful experience at the beach.

I'm not sure who has cameras, but would someone take a close up picture of Michael and little Sun who follows him everywhere? Thanks in advance. :-)

I read about the election last night. Hun Sen was once an ultra leftist of Khmer Rouge. Since he has led a corrupt government in Cambodia since 1985, it's no surprise that he won the election. I'm just glad it's over and you are all safe.

I would love a copy of all the pictures sometime after you get home and back into your routines.
I have a surprise in mind....

Love and prayers and hugs to all....


Erin Ashley said...

WOW!!! This is truly amazing and powerful. I am so glad you are updating the blog as things happen when you can. As I read this my heart is overwhelmed and overjoyed by just the thought of how God is using you all in such a HUGE way to touch this area of the world. We will definitely be continuing to pray for all your requests. I can't wait to hear about all that unfolds next and see some pictures. Many blessings to each of you!!!

With lots of love-

Erin Shawver ; )

Anonymous said...

Praying for you.. Thank you for the card Rachael. The card brought tear to my eyes. Miss you and praying for you, the team and the children.. The updates are awesome I feel like I am there with you.
Love you more,
Mami xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael. Hope all is well with your stomach. Hang in there. I'm proud of you! Listen for His small soft voice. You'll hear it if you become still. Love, Papi

Anonymous said...

I just love hearing about everything ya'll are doing with the children..The trust fall is really cool. I know you all are tired but hang in there because you are really making a difference for the kingdom. I have said it before and will say it again...You are making our gracious God smile and that my dear ones is what it is all about..Just know my prayers are with you all. Rachael..I am very proud of you and love you more than you can imagine..thanks for our card you sent us. It was a wonderful surprise and made me cry! I miss you and can not wait to kiss your sweet face. God bless you all!!!

Unknown said...

Jon & Molly -

I am so proud of you guys and what you are doing. There is no doubt that those children will see the light of Christ in you. I can't wait to hear all the details, but in the meantime, continue to lean hard into God & He will give you the strength to make it through each day. Molly - glad to see there are no pictures of the stink eye so far ;o)

To the rest of the Cambodia Team,
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for the updates. It is nice to see my the names of the team members & what they are doing so I know how to pray for them.

May God be with you in every step you take and bless this trip beyond your wildest expectations. Just keep reflecting the Light.


Jennifer (Jon V's sister)

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the detail - I almost feel like I'm there with you. We'll keep praying and you keep trusting your falls to your team and God. Miss you a lot.